Welcome to TheAmazingTeacher.com!
Launching in November 2013: The Amazing Teacher Podcast!
Listen as Sam Rangel from SuccessInTheClassroom.com sits down with amazing teachers and picks their brains for tips, strategies, and advice that you can take into your classrooms and be amazing!
The Amazing Teacher Podcast will be that place where new teachers and soon-to-be teachers can go and listen to successful teachers as they share what they do in their classrooms every day.
Some questions that will be asked of these amazing teachers are:
What are the qualities found in amazing teachers?
What are some successful classroom management tips?
What is one action that new teachers can take in their classrooms tomorrow that will put them on the road to being amazing?
The first episode will be live this Friday, November 1, 2013!
Listen as Pernille Ripp from Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension shares her story about how she became a teacher. She also share some great tips and strategies for new teachers and soon-to-be teachers about classroom management and giving students a voice.
Mark your calendar for November 1, 2013!
Don’t forget to “like” our Facebook Page. Click here.
Brought to you by SuccessInTheClassroom.com